The Family Resource Center Supervised Visitation Program is a supervised access program that provides a neutral setting to build positive relationships and for families involved in DFCS, Juvenile Court, and Family Law Court to spend time with one another. The goal of the Supervised Visitation Progam is to provide a stress-free environment for children, parents and family members so that they may enjoy positive interaction with one another in a child-friendly setting.

Supervised parent-child visitations are crucial to the process of bringing parents and their children back together. These visits not only provide feedback to the court on the progress of a family, but more importantly, they allow participants to maintain their familial bond and helps them heal and strengthen, as parents complete goals for reunification.

The role of the visitation monitor is to protect the integrity of the visit and provide a positive atmosphere where parents and children may interact in a safe, structured environment. Supervised Visitation may be held in the Family Room, Teen Room, or Child Room as deemed appropriate by the visitation monitor and the visiting parent, taking into consideration the child’s physical safety and emotional well-being.

The Family Resource Center is a member of the Supervised Visitation Network (SVN) which is a multi-national non-profit membership organization that is literally a network of agencies and individuals who are interested in assuring that children can have a safe, conflict-free access to parents with whom they do not reside. SVN is dedicated to providing children with opportunities for safe, conflict-free access to both parents.

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